派尼尔原创高分政治社会essay代写:The Reasons of Asian Americans Gradually Integrate into the White-Dominated Society in America
he Reasons of Asian Americans Gradually Integrate into the White-Dominated Society in America
White Americans, Asian Americans, Blacks, and other races constitute the demographics in American society. People in America once be evidently subdivided into distinct groups because of the different status and innate capacities (Kristof para.8). In the contemporary society, the racism is still a hot topic in American society but Asian Americans are the successful community and disproportionately stars in American schools and gain an extraordinary attention compared to other racial groups in America (Kristof para.2). Some scholars also assert that the Asian Americans gradually integrate into the white-dominated society that Whites seem less hostile to Asians. Overall, Asian Americans gradually integrate to the white-dominated society due to their educational philosophy of the filial piety, self-confidence and the particular family structure compared to other racial groups. 
美国白人、亚裔美国人、黑人和其他种族构成了美国社会的人口结构。美国人曾经由于不同的地位和天生的能力而被明显地细分为不同的群体(Kristof para.8)。在当代社会,种族主义在美国社会仍然是一个热门话题,但是亚裔美国人是成功的群体,在美国学校中是不成比例的明星,与美国其他种族群体相比,他们获得了非凡的关注(Kristof para.2)。一些学者还断言,亚裔美国人逐渐融入白人主导的社会,白人似乎对亚洲人不那么敌视了。总的来说,亚裔美国人由于其孝道、自信的教育理念,以及与其他种族相比的特殊的家庭结构,逐渐融入了白人主导的社会。
The educational philosophy that East Asia’s Confucian on filial piety and the reverence for education brings the Asian success in educated professionals, which earns much respect from Whites in America. Confucianism is one of the Chinese traditional ideologies, and it emphasizes the filial piety (Kristof para.14). Asian parents spend their much time and money on providing the better living condition for their children. At the same time, they give their children a lot of expectations especially in education. Because of the subtle acceptance of the filial piety in the childhood, children could understand the parents’ hardship and get good grades to satisfy their parents’ expectation. It could be seen that the filial piety is an important reason to promotes the Asian Americans’ success. Confucianism also emphasizes the reverence for education. It makes children spend more time on studying. Asian parents believe that education is the fundamental way to get the achievement in works and would ask their generation to work hard. Because of the long-time pursuit for higher education, these work-hard Asians eventually gain the success in the educated domain and some other professionals. Gradually, the Whites in America find the educational success of Asians. The educational success brings them much respect in the white-dominated society. 
东亚儒家的孝道和崇尚教育的教育哲学为亚洲人带来了受过教育的专业人士的成功,受到美国白人的尊重。儒家思想是中国的传统思想之一,它强调孝道(Kristof para.14)。亚洲父母花费大量的时间和金钱为他们的孩子提供更好的生活条件。同时,他们给孩子们很多期望,尤其是在教育方面。由于孩子在童年时对孝道的潜移默化的接受,孩子能够理解父母的艰辛,取得好成绩来满足父母的期望。可见,孝道是亚裔美国人成功的一个重要原因。儒家思想也强调对教育的尊重。它使孩子们花更多的时间在学习上。亚洲父母认为教育是在工作中获得成就的根本途径,他们会要求他们这一代努力工作。由于对高等教育的长期追求,这些努力工作的亚洲人最终在教育领域和其他一些专业领域获得了成功。渐渐地,美国的白人发现了亚洲人在教育上的成功。教育上的成功为他们在白人主导的社会中赢得了尊重。
The unique cultural philosophy of self-confidence makes the Asian scholastic success. Scholars have found that anxiety from negative stereotypes impairs performance and the occasional “stereotype threat” of the Blacks (Kristof para.14). As Nicholas Kristof states in his news, one of the angry whites responses that the “white privilege is nonsense, if blacks lag, the reason lies in the black community itself. Those Koreans and Chinese make it in America because they work hard. ” (Kristof para.4). From the White’s words, the differential treatment between Asian American and Blacks is because of the Asian’s spirit of hard work while the Blacks are not. Because of the self-confidence in Asian culture, Asians could become smart and hard-working in the study and work to resist against the bias. And the Asian Americans truly succeed in some areas with educated capability.
The family structure that two-parents families are a factor that makes the children are more likely succeed. Compared to the Whites and Blacks families, the divorce rates are lower in many Asian-American communities. It is true that the two-parents households are less likely to trap themselves into poverty and have the better outcomes for children especially for the boys (Kristof para.3). In this way, parents would provide the necessary material comforts which ensure the pursuit of the high education of their children. In general, the two-parents families could improve a better atmosphere for children’s education. And then, the children are more likely get the educational success. The idea that two-parents families represent the solidarity that is one of the traditional Asian cultures. That is to say, some of the Asian cultures bring the Asian American’s success.
All in all, The educational philosophy that East Asia’s Confucian on filial piety and the reverence for education makes the Asian success which gains much respect from Whites in America. And the self-confident in Asian spirit makes them not give up and gives them the belief that persistence means success bring the Asian scholastic success. What’s more, the family structure that two-parents families make the unity of the whole family which provides the necessary material comforts is a factor and makes the generation succeed.   
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