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An Examination of Lung Kuo-cheng’s Educational Ideas in Breaking with Old Ideas
The movie, Breaking with Old Ideas, tells the story of Principal Lung Kuo-cheng, the protagonist of the movie, who builds up a Communist Labor College to oppose to the so-called bourgeoisie education and train successors for the proletariat revolution in 1958, nine years after the Liberation. After the college was built up, Lung admits many peasant students who have limited schooling and implements an education style that combines work with study. When he is criticized by his colleagues, he refutes that the guiding principle for running the college follows the Mao Tse-tung thought. In this movie, it is also the letter from Chairman Mao that saves the college from being banned by the superior leader. The movie was screened in 1975, one year before the end of the Great Proletariat Cultural Revolution. Presented as the representative of Mao Tse-tung’s education ideal, the movie advocates for equal education opportunities for the poor people and proletariat class struggles, which results in personality cult of the leader who has brought in such changes and the students’ blind belief in proletariat struggle and lack of respect for true knowledge.
The Social and Historical Background
After nine years of socialist construction, Mao believed that China was ready for surpassing the developed countries in economic development and initiated the Great Leap Forward movement. On the other hand, Mao also warned the public of the danger that the landlord class and the bourgeoisie might overthow the proletariat dictatorship and called the mass to suppress the uprising of the former two classes. As a result, many people were scared to be classified as the “landlords” or the “bourgeoisie.” In the cultural and education field, the Second Session of the 8th National People’s Congress in 1958 confirmed the paramountcy of the class struggle (“The Second Session of the 8th National People Congress of the Chinese Communist Party (May 5-23, 1958)”). The training of students for safeguarding the fruits of the Chinese revolution and the proletariat dictorship was deemed as the correct way for education instead of traning students with independent thinking and true knowledge and skills. The radical ultra-left thought dominated the society. Consolidating the proletariat dictorship, class struggle, and implementing the Mao Tse-tung Thought were seen politically correct until 1976. In 1975, Deng Xiaoping was appointed by Chairman Mao to preside the CCP works (“Deng Xiaoping Began to Host the Routine Works for the Party Central Committee on February 1, 1975”). Deng’s overall rectification was seen as “the Right Deviation and the Tendency to Reserve Correct Verdicts” by Mao who could not tolerate the denial of his proposals in the Cultural Revolution and criticize Deng for his reorganization. Breaking with Old Ideas could be regarded as an effort to consolidate the authority of Mao’s ideas in education and deny Deng’s efforts to correct the wrong doings in the Cultural Revolution in the education field. The Communist Labor College led by Principal Lung executed the proletariat education policies under this political and social background. Lung’s education ideas demonstrate clear features of proletariat struggle, egalitarianism, and personality cult.
Proletariat Class Struggle
Instructed by Mao’s educational ideas, Lung opposes to the so-called bourgeoisie education and insists that “education must serve the proletariat politics and must be combined with productive labor” (Breaking with Old Ideas). To execute these ideal, Lung implements a series of policies to approach the education ideas Mao has pointed out. Principal Lung admits students based on their family backgrounds and their identities as laborers. In his mind, children of the poor and lower-middle peasants are the kind and hard-struggling people and welcomed to study in this college. He shows great disapproval for the so-called “bourgeois education” which, in his idea, would result in the students’ refusal to go to the countryside for the countryside construction. Lung is a typical executive of Mao’s education ideas, which could help the CCP to get “intellectuals who would support the regime, and education that would reach and remold the peasant masses” (Fairbank 360). Lung chooses the top of the mountain as the college site. The idea corresponds to Mao’s calling for the intellectuals to go to the countryside to accept the education from the poor and lower-middle peasants, causing great human intellectual losses and environment damage.
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